On Thu 19 Jan 2017, has...@kontener.eu.org wrote:
> I've set the RSYNC_OPTS='--port=9500' in /etc/default/rsync but it does not
> affect daemon options.
> In Debian 7 all were OK.
> /etc/default/rsync
> [..]
> # start rsync in daemon mode from init.d script?

Can you show the lines that you deleted in [...] ?

You are probably using systemd, and the current /etc/default/rsync as
distributed has the lines:

# defaults file for rsync daemon mode
# This file is only used for init.d based systems!
# If this system uses systemd, you can specify options etc. for rsync
# in daemon mode by copying /lib/systemd/system/rsync.service to
# /etc/systemd/system/rsync.service and modifying the copy; add required
# options to the ExecStart line.

That should be self-explanatory.


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