I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to do with "creating a local
repository".  approx-import simply places .deb files in the part of
the cache that corresponds to a *remote* repository, if it can find
one, so that it doesn't have to be downloaded again.  It's optional,
since the .debs will be downloaded when needed.

If you create your own repository with dpkg-scanpackages, you can't
place it in the approx cache.  Approx expects its cache to have a
specific layout, namely a collection of (partial) mirrors of remote
repositories.  You'd have to put your local repo somewhere else, and
use file:/// URLs in /etc/approx.conf to tell approx where to find it.

Otherwise, the current version of approx is 5.7.  If you still have
problems after addressing the above issue, please try that version.

Eric Cooper             e c c @ c m u . e d u

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