On Sat, Nov 11, 2017 at 08:24:09PM +0100, Emmanuel Bourg wrote:
> Le 11/11/2017 à 19:26, Miguel Landaeta a écrit :
> > However, maven switched its dependency to libplexus-classworlds-java,
> > so this causes a dangling pointer and breaks maven unless you have
> > installed both libplexus-classworlds-java packages.
> Thank you Miguel! You can even remove the 2.x suffix from the symlink.
> Feel free to upload the update.

No problem, I uploaded the fix hours ago.

I prefer to see that symlink renamed in a future Maven upstream release

We'd need to coordinate that symlink rename with other packages like
maven-debian-helper, for instance [1].



Miguel Landaeta, nomadium at debian.org
secure email with PGP 0x6E608B637D8967E9 available at http://miguel.cc/key.
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." -- Nietzsche

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