I've had that issue in the past, but never bothered looking into it. Me,
I'll hold out for 2018.1 (which kills Python 2 support) to fix these kind
of bugs.


On Fri, Apr 13, 2018 at 4:54 PM Fabrice Silva <si...@lma.cnrs-mrs.fr> wrote:

> Additional information from Johannes Ring (fenics dev) on
> https://groups.google.com/d/topic/fenics-support/mfJdWYwq0-w/discussion
>    The problem is that the path to petsc4py is included in
>    /usr/share/dolfin/cmake/DOLFINConfig.cmake and
>    /usr/share/dolfin/cmake/DOLFINTargets.cmake, while it should only
>    have been included in /usr/share/dolfin/cmake/DOLFINPython27.cmake
>    and /usr/share/dolfin/cmake/DOLFINPython36.cmake.
>    The quick fix would be to either install python-petsc4py (the
>    petsc4py include files are the same for python2 and python3) or to
>    remove the path to petsc4py from DOLFINConfig.cmake and
>    DOLFINTargets.cmake.
> These recommendations solve the trouble (even if other errors are still
> raised in the overly-simplified script).

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