
On 2018-12-29 at 13:54 (+01), Andreas Metzler wrote:


> I do not understand your reasoning at all. What part of these argument
> chain do you disagree with?
> 1. libilmbase23 2.3.0-3 is rc buggy because it does not contain the
> library its name claims. If one installs libilmbase23 2.3.0-3 e.g. hugin
> will stop working.

SONAME bump in IlmBase/OpenEXR libraries is extremely weird and doesn't
reflect the numbering in library name. Strange, but still.
Check numbering and SONAME versioning for ilmbase actually in unstable
and testing. You'll see how there's a pattern for that.

> 2. We have Debian bug tracking system for tracking bugs in packages in
> Debian.

Opening bug reports against packages in experimental which are part of a
transition is useless, in my view. Opening bug reports against packages
in unstable/sid which breaks stuff... that's a real thing.

> 3. libilmbase23 2.3.0-3 is a package in Debian.

Yes, it's a package in Debian... experimental suite, which is not
supposed to be used by users other than developers working on
bleeding-edge/easily-breaking piece of software.


Matteo F. Vescovi || Debian Developer
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