Finally I found the culprit. It was apparmor!

I have never intentionally done anything with it, but upgrading kernel version from 4.9 to 4.18 (due to some kernel 4.9 security upgrade problem that freezes my computer), it must have enabled apparmor by default or so.

And since I have my home folder symlinked to other drive, and apparmor does not support symlinks, it denied Thunderbird the access to its lock file (and other files as well).

After I manually added the real drive path of my profile in /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.thunderbird, it now works.

Should I encounter more problems with other apps, I may as well completely disable apparmor in grub config.

Dňa 29. 12. 2018 o 14:55 Carsten Schoenert napísal(a):
Control: severity -1 minor

Hello Peter,

Am 29.12.18 um 11:02 schrieb Peter Tuharsky:
Dear Maintainer,

after some security updates I encounter a problem with Thunderbird, that I'm no
longer able to open since. Error message states, that Thunderbird is already
running. Thus, it declines to open.

I even try removing my profile to allow a "fresh start" but it dosen't help
this problem has nothing to do with your profile.
Thunderbird is doing some magical forking of itself if Thunderbird get
started. Sometimes it happen that some thread in that chain gets broken
so no chain from the first event to the last forked process is available
any more.

Starting Thunderbird for a second time is detecting that already a
process thunderbird is running and is printing out that message you see.

This all is an upstream issue, we can do quite nothing against this in
Debian and I guess there is at least one more existing bug report in the
BTS about this.

You can work around this if you kill any remaining processes of thunderbird.

   $ killall -9 thunderbird

When running from gnome-terminal, I get these errors on console upon starting:
(thunderbird:12521): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: <data>:1:34: Expected
')' in color definition

(thunderbird:12521): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: <data>:1:77: Expected
')' in color definition

I doubt they are connected to the problem however.
No, these are all messages from GTK, you probably using Gnome3 ad DM.

Interestingly, my other installation of Thunderbird works without problem.
Well, I see this problem from time to time to. No matter what system I
use. A chance to see this more often is after package updates if you
haven't restarted a running thunderbird after a version update.

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