Benjamin Kaduk <> writes:

> Sure, and thanks for the report -- upstream made this change in

Thanks for the explanation; I'd gathered something of the sort from
commit logs.

> I'd be vaguely curious if you wanted to drop in the cc-wrapper from a full
> source tree and see if it produced anything useful, though I agree that
> just configuring with --without-ctf-tools would be a fine workaround for
> now.

I'd be surprised to see any practical benefit to pushing forward on
Linux.  (kFreeBSD or Dyson might get something out of it, though.)  That
said, I suppose it probably wouldn't hurt, apart from moderately(?)
increasing the footprint of module builds on affected hosts. At any
rate, please note that cc-wrapper bakes in the detected paths to these
tools, so if you do push forward, you should either drop in or add a build dependency on ctfutils.  (AFAICT, in the
latter case you could still leave openafs-modules-*'s dependencies as is.)

> Thanks for the report,

Thanks for looking into it!

Aaron M. Ucko, KB1CJC (amu at, ucko at |

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