Hi 937510 (2019.08.31_10:24:30_-0300)

> The rpython source code of PyPy is Python 2. So, Python 2 sphinx is used
> for building autodoc. I haven't tried python 3 sphinx, it may work.

Confirmed that it doesn't:
Running Sphinx v1.8.5

Exception occurred:
  File "/<<BUILDDIR>>/pypy3-7.1.1+dfsg/pypy/doc/config/generate.py", line 2, in 
    from pypy.config import pypyoption, makerestdoc
  File "/<<BUILDDIR>>/pypy3-7.1.1+dfsg/pypy/config/pypyoption.py", line 322
    print config.getpaths()
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

We could do work to make everything imported by sphinx, importable under
python 3, but this isn't a use-case upstream needs to support, so I
suspect we'd be the ones maintaining this.


Stefano Rivera
  +1 415 683 3272

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