Hi Thomas,

Looking at the disk_config file again, I'm not actually making any LVs
inside the VG (they're made later when KVM instances are spun on up on
these machines). Removing \- works okay for creating a VG with a hyphen
in the name.


On Fri, 2019-09-13 at 11:45 +0200, Thomas Lange wrote:
> Hi Andrew,
> you've said that removing \- from the regex works for you. I cannot
> reproduce this. When I use a vg name like vg-ssd7 I get the error
> ERROR (line 13): Invalid volume: Was expecting /^vg\s+/, or
>                        /^raid([0156]|10)\s+/, or /^btrfs
>                        (single|raid([0156]|10))\s+/, or
>                        /^(luks|luks:"[^"]+"|tmp|swap)\s+/, or
> /^tmpfs\s+/, or
>                        /^nfs\s+([^\s]+)\s+/, or type
> ERROR (line 13): Invalid line: Was expecting '\n' but found "vg-ssd7-
>                       root / 3G-25G ext4 noatime,rw" instead
> Can you please send me your disk_config that is working for you using
> a hyphen.
Andrew Ruthven, Wellington, New Zealand
and...@etc.gen.nz              | linux.conf.au 2020, Gold Coast, AU
Catalyst Cloud:                |    https://lca2020.linux.org.au/
   https://catalystcloud.nz    |

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