On 28.09.19 04:43, Olly Betts wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 05:53:17AM +0200, Gunter Königsmann wrote:
>> All the workarounds for crashes due to gtk3 bugs would have been
>> relevant, though => will make a new release as soon as I can.
> Crashes?  I don't think you've reported any crashes...
> I thought the two remaining bugs affecting wxmaxima were the
> two finger touchpad scroll not working, and scrolling flickering?
> Neither is ideal but neither is a crash.

I fix about five bugs in wxMaxima a week. Reporting a bug to debian
costs at least one week of work and wxMaxima is using enough of
wxWidget's functionality that it has the potential of being a near-ideal
bug detector for wxWidgets  => If I can work around a bug I do that
instead of reporting it. Else we would need a bigger team for supporting

> Oh, and perhaps a wxDC::Clear() issue which upstream closed but
> you claimed still isn't working.  Though I noticed in your current
> git master `WORKING_DC_CLEAR` always ends up defined (by line 370 of
> src/Worksheet.cpp) and so your rectangle drawing workaround is never
> actually used.  I didn't see any obvious window clearing issues in my
> testing FWIW.  But anyway, this one wasn't a crash either.

As there have been no new bug reports after the wxMaxima version from
July was uploaded I am rather curious if any of the problems I've
encountered are likely to materialize on other computers. Perhaps I have
managed to transform my system into a quite complete test case somehow -
which isn't bad as until now I've been able to reproduce (and in most
cases to resolve) all bug reports I got for wxMaxima.

Kind regards,


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