Package: live-build
Version: 1:20190311
Debian 10 Buster

Dear Maintainer,

I noticed that the /var/lib/apt/lists/ directory in the squashfs
contains about 162MB of files after the build. This makes my ISO image
slightly larger than the expected max size of 2GB (small USB drives,
ISO hosting restrictions). My config/archives/debian.list.chroot:

deb buster main contrib non-free
deb buster/updates main contrib non-free
deb buster-updates main contrib non-free
deb buster-backports main contrib non-free

In an attempt to decrease the size of the ISO image, I added this to
config/hooks/normal/0900-clear-apt-cache.hook.chroot and made it

# clear APT package download cache to reduce the image size
rm -vr /var/lib/apt/lists/

By reading build.log I can confirm that the hook does run during the
process; and clears out the directory, however one of the following
build steps must have put those files in place again, because they are
still present in the squashfs/live system.

I can see the following solutions:
- Something is wrong with my hook (what?) and I should correct it
- live-build should implement a built-in way to clear
/var/lib/apt/lists before the squashfs is generated
- live-build should implement a way to run custom hooks just before
the squashfs is generated

Workarounds very welcome, thanks in advance

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