On Thu, 07, Nov, 2019 at 10:57:23AM +0100, Morten Brekkevold spoke thus..
> The carbon-cache package in Debian Buster is definitely BROKEN - it just
> keeps crashing.


We've been running with the attached patch since December which fixes
the problem.

Thorsten (as you're the last uploader) - I'm happy to prepare a stable
update to fix this, but the version is the same in stable/testing so
can't do so currently.  There are two point release (1.1.5 and 1.1.6)
for this package but they seem to be tied into other graphite-* package
updates too.  Would you accept an NMU to unstable with just this patch
and then an accompanying stable update?  This problem basically makes
graphite-carbon unusable in buster.



Mark Hymers <mhy at debian dot org>
--- graphite-carbon/lib/carbon/cache.py	2020-01-11 11:58:15.877162033 +0000
+++ cache.py	2020-01-11 11:55:19.516768965 +0000
@@ -184,7 +185,8 @@
     if not self:
       return (None, [])
     if self.strategy:
-      metric = self.strategy.choose_item()
+      with self.lock:
+        metric = self.strategy.choose_item()
       # Avoid .keys() as it dumps the whole list
       metric = next(iter(self))
@@ -206,18 +208,18 @@
   def store(self, metric, datapoint):
     timestamp, value = datapoint
-    if timestamp not in self[metric]:
-      # Not a duplicate, hence process if cache is not full
-      if self.is_full:
-        log.msg("MetricCache is full: self.size=%d" % self.size)
-        events.cacheFull()
-      else:
-        with self.lock:
+    with self.lock:
+      if timestamp not in self[metric]:
+        # Not a duplicate, hence process if cache is not full
+        if self.is_full:
+          log.msg("MetricCache is full: self.size=%d" % self.size)
+          events.cacheFull()
+        else:
           self.size += 1
           self[metric][timestamp] = value
-    else:
-      # Updating a duplicate does not increase the cache size
-      self[metric][timestamp] = value
+      else:
+        # Updating a duplicate does not increase the cache size
+        self[metric][timestamp] = value
 _Cache = None

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