Package: lilypond
Version: 2.19.81+really-2.18.2-13

The Lilypond documentation says that if you set the environment
variable LILYPOND_DATADIR to point at a directory, then Lilypond will
look for its data files (fonts, startup files etc) in that directory
instead of /usr/share/lilypond/<version-number>. In particular, in the
2.18 series, this is the only way to substitute a different musical
notation font.

However, the override doesn't actually work! Under normal conditions,
Lilypond overwrites that variable itself during startup, with a value
derived from searching PATH for its own binary. Using the -V option
you can see this happening in the startup messages, and then
subsequent messages show fonts and other resources being loaded from
the standard location:

$ export LILYPOND_DATADIR=$HOME/my-datadir
$ lilypond.real -V
Log level set to 287
GNU LilyPond 2.18.2
Relocation: is absolute: argv0=/usr/bin/lilypond.real
PATH=/usr/bin (prepend)
Setting PATH to 
Relocation: compile datadir=, new datadir=/usr/share/lilypond//2.18.2
Relocation: framework_prefix=/usr/bin/..
Setting INSTALLER_PREFIX to /usr/bin/..
Setting LILYPOND_DATADIR to /usr/share/lilypond//2.18.2
Interpreting music...
elapsed time: 0.01 seconds

In order to work around this, I tried to 'exec' the Lilypond binary
with an argv[0] that does not appear on PATH at all, which inhibits
the initial 'relocate' operation and causes the input value of
LILYPOND_DATADIR not to be overwritten.

That works OK, provided I take account of the fact that
/usr/bin/lilypond is a wrapper script that sets up LD_LIBRARY_PATH. If
I manually repeat that setting, and then exec the real binary
directly, then I have more luck:

$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lilypond/2.18.2/guile"
$ export LILYPOND_DATADIR=$HOME/my-datadir
$ (exec -a sdfsdfsdf lilypond.real -V
Log level set to 287
GNU LilyPond 2.18.2
Relocation: from 
programming error: cannot find absolute argv0
continuing, cross fingers
Interpreting music...
elapsed time: 0.01 seconds

... and now it's loading fonts from where I told it to.

But the intervening wrapper script at /usr/bin/lilypond makes it very
awkward to automate this! The best way I've managed to find, which
arranges to use the correct LD_LIBRARY_PATH setup from
/usr/bin/lilypond and then pass a custom argv[0] to the real binary,
is to write a wrapper bash script which covers the 'exec' builtin with
an alias, and then sources /usr/bin/lilypond:

shopt -s expand_aliases
alias exec='exec -a sdfsdfsdf'
export LILYPOND_DATADIR=$HOME/my-datadir
source /usr/bin/lilypond

With that wrapper script, I can get Lilypond to behave as I want:

$ ./ -V

But it would be really nice not to have to recommend this procedure to
people who want to use a different music font!


for k in [pow(x,37,0x1a1298d262b49c895d47f) for x in [0x50deb914257022de7fff,
0x213558f2215127d5a2d1, 0x90c99e86d08b91218630, 0x109f3d0cfbf640c0beee7,
0xc83e01379a5fbec5fdd1, 0x19d3d70a8d567e388600e, 0x534e2f6e8a4a33155123]]:
 print("".join([chr(32+3*((k>>x)&1))for x in range(79)])) # <>

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