On Fri 2020-02-14 07:58:34 -0700, Sean Whitton wrote:
>>> Also, will imap-dl skip messages with the deleted flag?  Do you think it
>>> should?
>> I don't think it should -- the use case at the moment is just to fetch
>> all messages that exist in the inbox.  Why should it treat any flag
>> differently?
> What I was thinking was that the user might want imap-dl to set the
> delete flag and not expunge, and then skip deleted messages on future
> runs.  Then they'd expunge themselves from time-to-time.
> This way, if imap-dl makes any mistakes, there is a sort of backup.
> I was particularly thinking that someone might want to use this at
> first, until they could feel sure that imap-dl doesn't have any bugs
> with their particular IMAP server.

I'd be happy to entertain this mode of operation for imap-dl if someone
wants to offer a robust patch for it with a very minimal footprint in
terms of configuration complexity :)

In general, i'm happy for imap-dl to remain fairly opinionated about
what workflows are "sensible" and not supporting too many others
directly, given the combinatoric risks of adding little tweaky options
to what's effectively a state machine manager.

Users who want a super-flexible toolkit might be better off writing
their own, using the existing libraries.


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