Dear Dirk,

promoting packages from Recommended to straigt dependencies deserves
always some discussion.

I have been prompted more than once by people who wanted to build the
smallest possible machine or container, for a particular feature; they
raised bugreports to ask for a downgrade from Depends to Recommends. As a
matter of fact, one can wish to build a web service to print parts of
wikipedia, so it is sensible to minimize the footprint of mediawiki2latex

If generating EPUB files is not demanded by many m2l users, just let the
package Calibre remain as a recommendation, because it has a heavy
footprint, by the means of his own dependencies.

Ordinary users do not want to tune their Debian system, so they let APT
settings as they come by default, and the default is currently to
download recommended additional packages.

The discussion about missing calibre could arise with ael, because he is
a power user, who did not keep the default settings for APT.

An alternative to promoting calibre from recommended to a dependency is
to check whether mediawiki2latex' manpage (and other documents about it)
have a section about features, and packages necessary to provide those
features. I had a look at the file

I suppose that the excerpt:

.BR -b ", " --epub
Output epub file.

Can be enhanced by mentioning calibre, for instance:

.BR -b ", " --epub
Output epub file. This feature relies on the recommended package calibre.

Also, when options -b or --epub are triggered, and calibre is not found,
mediawiki2latex might issue some warning, or some "rtfm" stance.

Best regards,                   Georges.

Dirk Hünniger a écrit :
> Hi,
> in deed calibre is requierd to generate epub files. As is libreoffice for
> odt files.
> latex2rtf or something like that was needed to make raster image form latex
> formulas, although I am currently unsure about the exact detail.
> Georges: Could you please make a new package replacing all rec dependencies
> with dep dependencies.
> Yours Dirk
> On 01.07.20 14:59, ael wrote:
> > On Wed, Jul 01, 2020 at 09:03:33AM +0200, Dirk Hünniger wrote:
> > > oh and you you check if calibre is installed?
> > No, it wasn't. I see that it is a "Recommends". I now wonder whether I
> > might also need latex2rtf, although that isn't so obvious.
> > 
> > ael
> > 

Georges KHAZNADAR et Jocelyne FOURNIER
22 rue des mouettes, 59240 Dunkerque France.
Téléphone +33 (0)3 28 29 17 70

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