
I would like to propose a patch with alternatives support.

Before doing this there are some things to confirm:

- are you willing to accept such a patch?

- are /usr/sbin/arping-arping and /usr/share/man/man8/arping-
arping.8.gz good name choices for the files installed by this package?

- iputils-arping installs /usr/bin/arping while arping installs
/usr/sbin/arping - I do not think it is a good idea to resolve this by
linking /usr/bin/arping to /usr/sbin/iputils-arping, because it will
create an ambiguity that depends on PATH. Maybe it is a better idea to
make /usr/bin/arping a link to the alternative /usr/sbin/arping?

>From the implementation point of view, in order to have some backward
compatibility, maybe it will be best to make it using the built-in way
of debhelper 13.1 but keep arping.alternatves as disabled and use the
dh_installalternatives generated products in the package instead.

With best regards,

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