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On Tue, 04 Aug 2020 at 22:14:13 -0500, Diego Escalante Urrelo wrote:
> `initramfs-core-tools` however just creates it manually:
> […]
> So, I believe perhaps the above directory might follow upstream
> recommendation and be created in a tmpfiles.d configuration file.

tmpfiles.d are AFAICT not honored at initramfs stage, and if that's
indeed the case I believe we're following the upstream recommendation:

| If your distro does not support tmpfiles.d directory, you have
| to create locking directory (/run/lock/cryptsetup) in cryptsetup
| package (or init scripts).

(from docs/v2.0.0-ReleaseNotes.)

> `dracut` does something similar in its scripts, but apparently in my
> system systemd takes over and said script is never run, or ran too late?

The dracut stuff is not shipped by src:cryptsetup.  In our scripts we
also create the directory *before* the first call to cryptsetup(8).  I'm
not sure what the problem is?


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