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Hi Alec,

a short review:

  * New upstream release including plugin downloader. Closes: 948702

It is a privacy violation to download stuff. Do you inform your user about it?
Are the downloads somehow validated that it won't execute malicious / (MITM)
modified code? (It would be better if plugins of relevance would be packaged.)
(I'll gonna ignore that, but other people might file an RC bug because of that)

Consistency: in other changelog entries you write a #bugnumber, here only

  * Add two plugin compatiblity patches (#1997).

Spelling error: 
W: opencpn-plugins: spelling-error-in-changelog compatiblity compatibility

- d/copyright has some todos:

"Files: plugins/wmm_pi/src/GeomagnetismLibrary.c
Copyright: protection. / ed works consisting predominantly of the material
produced by"

seems to be wrong…

"License: Khronos
 Please fill license Khronos from header of include/GL/glext.h

please do so

- compat-level is still at 12.

Please comment / explain / fix  / … those and we can proceed :)

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