Hi Aaron (2018.03.21_16:02:21_-0700)
> testing/cffi0/test_ownlib.py:296: AssertionError
> _______________________ test_no_unknown_exported_symbols 
> _______________________
>     def test_no_unknown_exported_symbols():
>         if not hasattr(_cffi_backend, '__file__'):
>             py.test.skip("_cffi_backend module is built-in")
>         if not sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
>             py.test.skip("linux-only")
>         g = os.popen("objdump -T '%s'" % _cffi_backend.__file__, 'r')
>         for line in g:
>             if not line.startswith('0'):
>                 continue
>             if '*UND*' in line:
>                 continue
>             name = line.split()[-1]
>             if name.startswith('_') or name.startswith('.'):
>                 continue
>             if name not in ('init_cffi_backend', 'PyInit__cffi_backend'):
> >               raise Exception("Unexpected exported name %r" % (name,))
> E               Exception: Unexpected exported name 'ctypedescr_clear'

Looks like this is the only remaining failure.

So, the rest were presumably libffi bugs.

Not sure exactly what's going on there. I can't seem to access the
atlantis porterbox ATM.


Stefano Rivera
  +1 415 683 3272

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