Hi Paul!

On Sun, Nov 01, 2020 at 09:30:19PM +0100, Paul Gevers wrote:
> The trigger normally doesn't change which packages get installed, just
> their version. It's possible that during a transition, apt-get finds the
> wrong solution for the desired set, but once everything is rebuilt, that
> problem normally goes away. So, if the test is run against
> qtbase-opensource-src-gles, than either that's required due to a Depends
> or a test dependency.
> britney also adds triggers for source packages involved in versioned
> Breaks/Replaces and the like if those are different for testing and
> unstable.
> I hope this clarifies?

This makes sense, thanks!

Lisandro found the reason — that test is failing because it depends on
qt5-default package, which we removed. He filed #973607 for that issue.

It was not easy to find this reason because the test log doesn't even
mention qt5-default.

Dmitry Shachnev

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