On 2020-11-08 03:08, Gilles Filippini wrote:

After a test into a clean chroot I can now confirm this hypothesis.

The loss of the alternative is easily triggered by the reinstallation of

It happens when reinstalling mpich as well, if the mpi alternative was
previously set to mpich.

I have no idea how to fix it, other than asking openmpi and mpich
maintainers to take care of the hdf5-mpi.pc slave alternative when it
exists. What do you think?

Probably we should check with the update-alternatives developers first, they may have some ideas. Certainly they should be able to explain exactly why installing openmpi-bin or mpich causes the hdf5-mpi alternative to disappear.

There is a precedent for collecting dpkg triggers and running them all at the same time late in a dpkg (or apt) run, e.g manpages, dkms. Otherwise, could request it be done by the openmpi-bin and mpich packages.

I thought it could be good leave the actual alternatives logic in hdf5, and put into openmpi-bin.postinst something like

if dpkg -s libhdf5-openmpi-dev >/dev/null 2>&1; then
  dpkg-reconfigure libhdf5-openmpi-dev

But at irc #debian-devel they pointed out that won't work: you can't run dpkg-reconfigure inside postinst since the dpkg lock will be in place.

Another option is to just make a copy of the alternative logic in libhdf5-openmpi-dev.postinst, copying it to openmpi-bin.postinst. A bit messy but might get the job done. Figuring out how to set up dpkg triggers might be tidier.


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