package: debian-security-support
severity: serious


In dpkg runs the debian-security-support hook
in a situation where perl is broken. This makes the hook fail, and aborts dpkg
and apt, leaving the system in a very bad state. More on the exact situation
below. Even though debian-security-support clearly isn't at fault here, the
debian-security-support should never cause dpkg/apt to fail.

Based on that, I think it might be good if debian-security-support would make
2 changes:

- in /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/debian-security-support, make sure the hook can
  never fail (eg by adding '|| /bin/true' in the appropriate place)
- in /usr/share/debian-security-support/check-support-status.hook check if
  perl is functional before trying to do anything. If perl is not functional,
  just do nothing (and exit successfully). This would be somewhat similar to
  what glibc is doing here:

Longer term, it might be useful to investigate whether is might make more
sense to use an apt hook instead of a dpkg hook. Ideally this would allow the
user to abort the installation before the unsupported package is installed,
instead of getting a notice afterwards. Obviously this should be done in a way
that doesn't cause apt to abort in the middle of an upgrade. I don't know if
apt currently provides an appropriate hook to do this.

Some background on the issue in #974552:

In buster, is shipped by libc6. In bullseye, it is shipped by
libcrypt1. During the upgrade from buster to bullseye, it seems a situation
can occur that causes the new libc6 (without to be unpacked
before the new libcrypt. At that point, is missing, so anything
that needs it (like perl) is broken. Fixing this issue is what #974552 is

However, it seems that in some upgrades, the debian-security-support hook is
started in such a situation where is missing. The standard
assumption that perl should be functional at all times is broken by this.
Clearly, this is not caused by debian-security-support and this should be
fixed. Furthermore, there is the risk that maintainer scripts might hit the
same issue, even if debian-security-support doesn't. However, it's unclear if
the situation can be avoided in all scenarios.

If a situation occurs where the debian-security-support hook runs on a broken
system, there's no point in trying to do something useful and failing. The
best that can be done is making sure dpkg/apt can continue, hoping that the
breakage will be fixed later on.



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