> > i'm open to suggestions on how to address it, but i would prefer to
> > avoid frankenstein monsters of x.y.zreallym.n.o or giant patches
> > against an old version of tqdm that could be addressed by a new
> > upstream release.
> Me too, but tqdm is a key package

apologies, i did not realized tqdm reached the "key package" status,
otherwise it'd have been more careful with the recent uploads :(

> and we really want to avoid
> unnecessary changes at much as possible at this stage. How much smaller
> is the diff between 4.51.0-1 and 4.56.2-1 compared to the current diff?

i let salsa do the diff, as i believe it's a bit easier to navigate
than pure debdiff (at least for upstream changes):


and this is the upstream diff between 4.56.2 and the latest upstream
release in unstable, 4.57.0:


which i believe is relatively tiny and mostly contains minor changes

> And what's in the additional delta?

sorry, delta between what specifically? 4.56.2-1 and 4.57.0-2?
the changes in the packaging files are just what's required by the
upstream code changes.

Let me know if some of these answer are not clear or satisfactory

Sandro "morph" Tosi
My website: http://sandrotosi.me/
Me at Debian: http://wiki.debian.org/SandroTosi
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sandrotosi

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