On 05-Mar-2021, Sergio Durigan Junior wrote:

> How are you?

Thanks for asking. I'm not great, but it's all relative; pretty much
everyone has had a bad 12 months more more. Hope you're well.

> I'm writing to check on the status of the towncrier package. I
> noticed that you have an apparently complete package on
> https://salsa.debian.org/bignose/pkg-towncrier, but it hasn't been
> uploaded and I can't find why.

One of many things that slipped aside in 2020.

> I have a friend (who is also my namesake) who is interested in
> having towncrier in the archive. Maybe you can give us/him some
> pointers on the current status of the package so that he can help
> you with it?

Thank you for the prompt. I will get back onto this and bring it up to

 \     “I was stopped by the police for speeding; they said ‘Don't you |
  `\   know the speed limit is 55 miles an hour?’ I said ‘Yeah I know, |
_o__)         but I wasn't going to be out that long.’” —Steven Wright |
Ben Finney <bign...@debian.org>

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