On Sb, 10 apr 21, 10:53:52, Justin B Rye wrote:
> Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > Ok, here is something, just to get the discussion started:
> Thanks!  My suggestions below still need some work, but I'll call this
> my first pass:
> >     The `rescue` boot option is unusable without a root password.
> >
> >     If a password for the `root` account is not set the system will 
> >     still ask for the root password if booted with the `rescue` option, 
> >     effectively making the rescue mode unusable. In order to avoid this
> >     it is possible to boot using the kernel parameter 
> >     `init=/sbin/sulogin --force`.
> Simplifying:
>     <title>
>       The <literal>rescue</literal> boot option is unusable without a root 
> password
>     </title>
>     <para>
>       Booting with the <literal>rescue</literal> option always requires
>       the root password. If one has not been set, this makes the rescue
>       mode effectively unusable. However it is still possible to boot
>       using the kernel parameter <literal>init=/sbin/sulogin --force</literal>
>     </para>
> (I don't think "root" needs special markup; "rescue" only needs it
> when we're talking about an untranslatable literal string).

> (Should there be some hint here at the fact that this has happened
> because we've switched to an implementation of sulogin without the
> slightly dodgy Debian-specific patches?)

This is explained in the bug report for who cares to investigate, in my 
opinion it's not needed in the Release Notes.

> >     To configure pkg:systemd to always to do the equivalent of this on 
>                    ^^^         ^^        ^^
> When we're talking about machines booting with systemd-sysv, we should
> avoid mentioning <systemitem role="package">systemd</systemitem>
> (which is a pain to type anyway).
> The "to" might go in either position, but not both.  Here perhaps we
> might be better off saying

It's a consequence of some rewrite :)

>       To configure systemd to do the equivalent of this whenever the
>       <literal>rescue</literal> option is used,
> >     selecting the `rescue` option add `SYSTEMD_SULOGIN_FORCE=1` to the 
> >     Environment of the rescue.service unit (see 
> >     file:/usr/share/doc/systemd/ENVIRONMENT.md.gz). The `rescue.service` 
> At least this information is already on my system before the
> dist-upgrade.
> >     unit is started by pkg:systemd in case it detects `single` in the 
>                                      ^^^^^^^
> >     kernel command line (see man:systemd).
> Bad use of "in case" - most English-speakers interpret "in case of" as
> "unconditionally, to avert the danger of".

I'll have to trust you on this (and make a mental note about it).

> systemd(1) defines "single" and "rescue" (and "1"!) as aliases of
> "systemd.unit=rescue.target", so maybe we can make that clearer
> earlier.
>     <para>
>       To configure systemd to do the equivalent of this whenever it
>       boots into rescue mode (also known as single mode - see <ulink
>       url="&url-man;/bullseye/systemd/systemd.1.html">systemd(1)</ulink>),
>       add <literal>SYSTEMD_SULOGIN_FORCE=1</literal> to the
>       Environment of the <literal>rescue.service</literal> unit (see
>       <filename>/usr/share/doc/systemd/ENVIRONMENT.md.gz</filename>).
>     </para>
> Unfortunately we also need readers to know
>  * how to add things to a systemd unit (we don't want people editing
>    /lib/systemd/system/rescue.service and losing it in an upgrade)
>  * how much of the rest of the file they should copy (as little as
>    possible, I think, but how much is that?)
>  * how the syntax for multiple items in an Environment= line works
> This probably needs an external link, but I'm not optimistic we'll
> find one.  Maybe this is another case where we'll need a dedicated
> page on wiki.debian.org.

As you probably know, it's as simple as:

    systemctl edit rescue.service

    and add


It seemed a little bit much to add this as well, but I'm fine either 

> (And why *is* the systemd man page in section 1, anyway?  Shouldn't it
> be in section 8, like systemv init used to be?)
> >     It might be useful to do the same for the `emergency.service` unit 
> >     (or instead) which is started ''automatically'' in case of certain 
>        ^^^^^^^^^^                                     ^^^^^^^^^^
> >     errors (see man:systemd.special), or if `emergency` is added to the 
> >     kernel command line (e.g. in case the system can't be recovered by
>                                 ^^^^^^^
> >     using the `rescue` mode).
> "The same or instead" needs to be reorganised as "as well or instead".
> One of those "in case"s almost works.
> I'm not sure what markup you mean for ''automatically''.

Some form of emphasis, to draw attention to the fact that users might 
find themselves stuck at the emergency console.

>     <para>
>       It might be useful to do this for the 
> <literal>emergency.service</literal>
>       unit (as well or instead), which is started automatically in the case
>       of certain errors (see <ulink                               
> url="&url-man;/bullseye/systemd/systemd.special.7.html">systemd.special(7)</ulink>),
>       or if <literal>emergency</literal> is added to the kernel command line
>       (e.g. if the system can't be recovered by using the rescue mode).
>     </para>
> (Why *did* setting these systems up with passwords in the first place
> go out of fashion?)

For me it was a natural consequence of using sudo exclusively ;)

> >     For background and a discussion on the security implications see 
> >     bts:802211.
> I forget if we've got special markup for this or whether we just say

All entities are in a dedicated file (I don't have a checkout handy to 
look it up).

>     <para>
>       For background and a discussion on the security implications see 
>       <ulink 
> url="https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=802211";>bug
>       #802211</ulink>.
>     </para>
> Or even delegate it to the wiki link.  Oh well, buster needed two
> last-minute wiki pages for complicated issues, so if bullseye only
> needs one for this we'll still be improving...

This is actually applicable for buster as well, unfortunately it wasn't 
fixed for bullseye (patch for d-i was still pending last time I 

Kind regards,

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