Package: anna
Severity: wishlist

I was recently made aware of:

  commit f6d5052a00df58c8f9d27d74c8ab585cc4d341e2
  Author: Holger Wansing <>
  Date:   Wed Nov 6 00:04:45 2019 +0100

  Change template, to give a senseful message to the user, when no
  kernel modules can be found. Also, turn that from a question into an
  error message, since continuing isn't possible without kernel modules

While I understand the motivation for making this a hard error in the
default case, there are valid use-cases for testing with a mismatched

I used to rely on being able to skip this step when testing new arm*
platforms or platforms that depend on a newer kernel version or features
using a custom kernel, or where there is a mismatch in the kernel
version due to a recent ABI bump where debian-installer hasn't yet
caught up with the archive...

Maybe an explicit debconf question with low priority could be used to
skip this step instead of issuing a hard error? That way expert installs
or debconf preseeding could be used with the default images in the less
typical use cases...

Don't have the time to write a patch right now, but somedaymaybe. :)


live well,

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