I can conform that applying


to the irssi_1.2.3-1 debian source, builds and works on
debian bullseye i386 and amd64.

I have found no regressions, use 'saved' TLS+SASL network configs
*and* ad-hoc TLS network configs, both of which now work fine
in face of disconnects, as opposed to only the former.

I am of the view this is worthy of a routine update to the irssi
package as SSL in IRC is increasingly used/encouraged/needed for
certain auth types, and manually /connect 'ing  is not at all
a rare configuration, as well as the point that this is a relatively
simple fix to a relatively annoying and confusing problem!

This ad-hoc TLS config has been fine in previous debian releases,
just not now, all of a sudden, bullseye regression essentially!.

This could go into bullseye-updates for next point release, in my

I'd like to hear from maintainer, and happy to post package files
if useful for others to view/help test.


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