On 14.11.21 04:59, Nicholas D Steeves wrote:
Package: systemd
Version: 249.6-1
Severity: normal


Apologies for not reporting from a sid system.  It affects systemd in
buster and bullseye as well, but I'm not sure if the version of
systemd in those version is new enough to support this type of
documentation.  Steps to reproduce:

1. Install a testing system, including the standard system tools task
2. Upgrade to sid
3. Run "systemctl help foo" for a service file that uses the following
under the [Unit] section:


Hmm, systemctl help says
       help PATTERN...|PID...
           Show manual pages for one or more units, if available.

You are not pointing Documentation= at a man page though but an arbitrary file. Try e.g. "systemctl help rsyslog"

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