Control: tags -1 pending

I've fixed the dh_installdocs issue in Git[1] but wanted to solve
the autopkgtest issue as well.  At first I provided the proper
module name[2] which brought me back to the old discussion here:

Am Thu, Sep 23, 2021 at 11:59:50PM +0200 schrieb Étienne Mollier:
> Hi Nilesh,
> Nilesh Patra, on 2021-09-23:
> > The problems that I see on a quick look are:
> > 1) the import name is wrong, it should be BALL instead of ball
> > this is trivial to fix
> > 2) This is the bigger problem. python3-ball is broken, it needed to compile
> > the .sip files, to make an so lib
> > and import that. This is not happening. Probably fixing this is also not
> > hard, just passing SIP_LIBRARY with cmake
> > might do the trick, but again no time.
> > 
> > Also, my understanding is that it was always broken, and has got barely
> > anything to do with my bug fix.
> > Since I am very very short on time, @Etienne, could you please fix this and
> > dput?
> Thanks for drawing my attention on this!  I can have a look,
> sure, although I don't guarantee this will be solved this
> evening; it looks like quite the machine cycles hog.  It is the
> first time I hear about sip, it looks kinda similar to swig.
> Will run an overnight build to see if I can manage to do
> something with the SIP_LIBRARY environment variable; thanks for
> the tip!

For whatever reason python3-sip did not ended up in the package
dependencies. Thus I added it explicitly[3].  But the autopkg issue

autopkgtest [17:09:54]: test autodep8-python3: [-----------------------
Testing with python3.9:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/", line 5, in <module>
    from BALLCore import *
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'BALLCore'
autopkgtest [17:09:55]: test autodep8-python3: -----------------------]

and we have the sip file 


I have no idea why this is not found.

Kind regards




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