On Sun, May 17, 2020 at 09:21:38PM +0100, Steve Clark wrote:
> Package: fbzx
> Version: 3.1.0-1
> FBZX is a bit out of date. The current version in Buster is 3.1.0 which
> has issues with full-screen where it changes a multi-monitor setup to
> mirrored from what-ever you had previously. Also, it doesn't seem to
> append to TZX/TAP files when SAVEing as it should.
> The upstream version 4.0.0 has neither of these issues.

Thanks for the report, and sorry for the late reply. I've uploaded
version 4.3.1 for unstable today, but I'm not closing this bug yet
because that's only the latest version available from the author's
home page, but not the latest version in github (for some reason there
is not a "canonical URL" for the tarball). I'll ask the author about
this and will probably upload again in a few days.


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