Control: retitle -1 src:python-coverage: New upstream version 6.2

Version 6.2 is released as of 2021-11-26

Since version 5.1, some significant changes are in version 6.2:

    * Support Python versions 3.6 – 3.11.
    * Data collection is thread-safe.
    * The HTML report has been redesigned.
    * Emit messages describing where is writing its files.
    * Settings ‘skip_covered’ and ‘skip_empty’ can be specified
      separately for HTML report.
    * The report commands now have options ‘--precision’, ‘--sort’,
    * The report skips branches if the source and destination line are
      not executed.
    * The report skips third-party packages.
    * The ‘combine’ command has new option ‘--keep’.
    * New ‘source_pkgs’ setting to specify only package names.
    * More consistent (machine-parseable) output for text report.
    * Support for Python 3.10 ‘match’/‘case’ syntax.
    * Environment variable ‘COVERAGE_RUN’ set when running code with
    * Deprecate the ‘annotate’ feature.

 \          “Ocean, n. A body of water occupying about two-thirds of a |
  `\     world made for man — who has no gills.” —Ambrose Bierce, _The |
_o__)                                        Devil's Dictionary_, 1906 |
Ben Finney <>

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