On 19.03.2022 23.37, Simon McVittie wrote:
> On Sat, 19 Mar 2022 at 14:17:08 -0700, Don Armstrong wrote:
>> On Sat, 19 Mar 2022, Nis Martensen wrote:
>>>     "This bug affects accessibility to users with disabilities. It
>>> particularly impacts usability by people who rely on assistive (or other
>>> adaptive) technology to use the system/package."
>> That works for me! [Feel free to modify the appropriate pages and
>> packages; I don't believe that requires any one from owner@ to do that.]
> That sounds great to me for the web page that is the canonical definition
> of the tags, but I think reportbug will need something shorter - perhaps
> just the first sentence?

Yes, we'd just take the first sentence for reportbug.

> en_GB proofreading: I think "accessibility for users with disabilities" or
> "accessibility by users with disabilities" reads better than "to" in that
> first sentence.

Thank you. Will you do the web page update? We'll happily follow using
the preposition of your choice.

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