Hi Manuel,
> > Given upstream's reply at https://github.com/K-3D/k3d/issues/38 this
> > seems unlikely to get ported, let's remove k3d?
> Basically I'd like to extend its life in Debian and keep users using
> this package rather than having to build the version themselves, as
> long as it doesn't become a big burden for Debian -- when it does
> sure, let's drop it, and if the moment is now, so be it.
> This package is in a bad situation with Python2 and GTK dependencies,
> but this is not the kind of application like a media player or similar
> for which there are a gazillion alternatives with more or less the
> same features -- this is a pretty specialized piece of software and
> migration to some other tool can be a huge undertaking and might not
> always be possible.
> If the relevant Python2 packages are going to be removed imminently,
> that's OK, we can remove it now.  And in any case, this package should
> prevent the removal of Python2 if it's one of the last dependencies.
> But if Python2 it's to be held for a few months/years because other
> important/popular packages are not migrated yet (gnat-gps, kodi?), and
> even if only to keep it for unstable, I'd prefer to remove this
> package only when Python2 is removed.

Revisiting this two years later; I really think k3d should be removed now?
Nothing changed upstream and at this point it's uninstallable in unstable
for many other libraries besides Python 2:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 k3d : Depends: libboost-program-options1.67.0 but it is not installable
       Depends: libboost-python1.67.0 but it is not installable
       Depends: libboost-regex1.67.0 (>= 1.67.0-10) but it is not installable
       Depends: libcgal13 but it is not installable
       Depends: libopenexr24 (>= 2.3.0) but it is not installable
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

Maybe it's better to ship such a proven, but no longer updated to current
tooling package as a Flatpak on Flathub?


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