
Am 17.04.22 um 18:47 schrieb yg2709:
Package: libreoffice
Followup-For: Bug #1003045
X-Debbugs-Cc: yg2...@hotmail.com

Dear Maintainer,

Probbing at a VM debian testing (12), checking with MATE (1.26.0),
  after upgrading all versions (from 1:7.2.4-1 thru 1:7.3.1-1), it opens 


(Especially since that bug never was reproducible in the first place.)

The real machine with version 1:7.2.4-1 and with apt-listbugs,
  is waiting to solve this issue.

Then upgrade that system. We don't support some random state of testing.

Testing hasn't 7.2.x anymore for long.

(And if you use testing (a development release!) and apt-listbugs, you should be able to get around it.)



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