Control: severity -1 serious
Control: user
Control: usertag -1 flaky needs-internet


On Thu, 07 Apr 2022 10:46:43 +1000 Stuart Prescott <> wrote:
The autopkgtest tets for mdtraj attempts to download a pdb file and then use
that in calculations. This is failing (either all the time or intermittently)
with a timeout:

I looked at the results of the autopkgtest of you package because it was showing up as a regression for the upload of gcc-12.

Because the unstable-to-testing migration software now blocks on
regressions in testing, flaky tests, i.e. tests that flip between
passing and failing without changes to the list of installed packages,
are causing people unrelated to your package to spend time on these

Don't hesitate to reach out if you need help and some more information
from our infrastructure. Our arm64 workers are located in China, I wouldn't be surprised if the required connection isn't optimal, so I suspect increasing the timeout sufficiently is going to solve the issue, although making it more robust against connection issues would be smart too (e.g. retrying a small number of times in case of failure).

Also, as the autopkgtest spec says [1], please mark your test with the "needs-internet" restriction.



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