On Sun, Mar 20, 2022 at 06:16:41PM +0100, Markus Koschany wrote:

> Steps to reproduce the problem (according
> to https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2052696)
> Step 1: Run "journalctl -f" in a terminal window.
> Step 2: Double click a password in KeePass.
> Step 3: Wait for the clear timeout to trigger.
> Actual results:
> See your plain text password logged in the terminal window
> Expected results:
> Never see your plain text password logged anywhere
> Only users in the systemd-journal group can use journalctl. At the moment I
> can't reproduce the problem on a custom XFCE system but I have not tried GNOME
> or other desktop environments yet and I suspect this problem is not limited to
> RedHat or Fedora.

I failed to reproduce this on Gnome on a freshly installed buster

I failed to reproduce this on Gnome on a freshly installed bullseye
system with wayland.

Also on bullseye:

 - I tried to install all the clipboard managers I could find in apt
   (clipit clipman copyq diodon gnome-shell-extension-gpaste parcellite
   qlipper xsel) and I still couldn't reproduce.

 - I ran keepass2 in a terminal, and it did not produce output.

 - I ran keepass2 from Gnome Shell, and I keep seeing nothing in logs.

In RedHat's bugzilla at https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2053688
they also failed to reproduce it. At this point, the only reproducers
are in the two threads in the keepass discussion forum.

In https://sourceforge.net/p/keepass/discussion/329220/thread/da7546b7e1/
Paul tried to reproduce it, too, and also failed.

At this point I would suspect that something else was at play in the
users' systems, independent from keepass2.


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