Hello Lance,
On Tue, Sep 13, 2022 at 12:22:07PM +0000, Lance Lin wrote:
> Thank you for your report. I'm happy to work on this.

Thank you very much, this is highly appreciated.

> > So cron.weekly is now overdue and cron.daily did not get touched since
> > the 5th, consistent with the update of the package.
> > 
> > Cron itself works, cron.hourly (which is not managed by anacron)
> > works.
> > 
> > I'm continuing to investigate, but I'm inclined to raise the severity.
> Can you check to see if the anacron service is running? Richard Newton replied
> in the thread and said the service was not running after the upgrade and it 
> worked
> after manually starting it.

helge@twentytwo:~$ ps aux | grep ana
helge       6448  0.0  0.0   7036  2272 tty4     S+   22:08   0:00 grep ana

root@twentytwo:~# systemctl status anacron.service
◈ anacron.service - Run anacron jobs
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/anacron.service; disabled; preset: 
     Active: inactive (dead)
       Docs: man:anacron

> The change I made was very small, adding 'TimeoutStopSec=infinity' to the 
> service
> based on an improvement that a user provided. I don't think this caused the 
> issue
> you are seeing.
> I was able to verify that if I manually start the service, the 
> cron.weekly/cron.daily
> are updated with the current time. The upgrade went fine on my end but I 
> would like 
> to track this down.
> Perhaps the issue is that the service was already running when the upgrade 
> happens 
> that the "new" service doesn't start? If so, I could add a preinst script to 
> stop
> the anacron service if it is running.

Do you want me to try out something else, or should I now try to start it?

Btw., this machine is rebooted daily (i.e. only runs a few hours a day), so I 
would have expected that after the next reboot anacron would come up …



      Dr. Helge Kreutzmann                     deb...@helgefjell.de
           Dipl.-Phys.                   http://www.helgefjell.de/debian.php
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