Control: tags -1 wontfix

Guillem Jover:
On Tue, 2022-09-13 at 15:50:07 +0200, Fab Stz wrote:
Package: dpkg-dev
Version: 1.29.9
Severity: normal
File: /usr/bin/dpkg-buildpackage

This may be a regression because I don't have this problem with 1.20.12 which
is on bullseye.

When in debian/rules, I include a file that doesn't exists, dpkg will try to

dh /path/to/missing/file ....

which leads to this failure & error:

dh: error: unknown sequence/path/to/missing/file (choose from: binary binary-
arch binary-indep build build-arch build-indep clean install install-arch

for example, in your debian/rules, at the top, put

-include /path/to/missing/file

then, run dpkg-buildpackage


This seems to be a feature interaction between make and the `dh $@` style. GNU Make appears to be attempting to create the missing file for you and I guess it ends up hitting the `catch all %:` rule calling dh (which I assume you have in your rules file).

This happens *before* dh is called so debhelper cannot do anything about it. Your only option is to look at having make or your `debian/rules` file handle this case. Options might include:

 * Ensure there is a (.PHONY) target for the missing file to ensure Make
   does not pick up the default rule.
 * Add Make conditionals around the include so the include is skipped
   when the file is not present.

I tested a simple `.PHONY: foo` + `-include foo` and that seemed to work locally. But you will have to figure out what works for you.

Either way, this is two products independently working as designed ending up in a bad feature interaction that cannot be solved - only worked around (for as long as we rely on make and debhelper in Debian packaging). Therefore closing this as "wontfix" (read: "cantfix").


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