Severity: normal
Usertags: unblock

Hey folks!

Please unblock package grub2

We have a slew of bug fixes that we want in bookworm:

  * Fix an issue in an f2fs security fix which caused mount
    failures. Closes: #1021846. Thanks to программист некто for helping
    to debug the problem!
  * Switch build-deps from gcc-10 to gcc-12. Closes: #1022184
  * Include upstream patch to enable EFI zboot support on arm64.
    Closes: #1026092
  * grub-mkconfig: Restore umask for the grub.cfg. CVE-2021-3981
    Closes: #1001414
  * postinst: be more verbose when using grub-install to install onto
  * /etc/default/grub: Fix comment about text-mode console.
    Fixes #845683
  * grub-install: Don't install the shim fallback program when called
    with --removable. Closes: #1016737
  * grub-install: Don't use our grub CD EFI image for --removable.
    Closes: #1026915. Thanks to Pascal Hambourg for the patch.
  * Ignore some new ext2 flags to stay compatible with latest mke2fs
    defaults. Closes: #1030846

Several of these are major issues for people affected, particularly
#1030846. We'd like to get the new version in to work with the next
d-i release please. Kibi is already aware!

unblock grub2/2.06-8

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