On 6/7/23 10:13, Richard Laager wrote:
> On 2023-06-07 02:37, Rob Janssen wrote:
>> Yes I was using the "ntp" package before.
>> I have upgraded and it installed "ntpsec".  I tried to remove it as I have 
>> no need
>> for the "security" part but it removed "ntp" as well.
> And then you presumably reinstalled it. Did this result in you starting over 
> with a default ntp.conf, where you then manually removed (or commented out) 
> the pool lines and added your server lines?

No, then I removed everything and installed chrony.  That resolved the problem 
so then I made a bugreport.

>> Please don't fall in the common trap of trying to make everything "top 
>> secure" and then making it
>> unusable or causing problems for people that do not require that.
> NTPsec is a fork of NTP. Most of the security benefit of NTPsec comes from 
> NTPsec simply removing and cleaning up decades of code cruft in NTP. NTPsec 
> is a drop-in replacement for NTP.

Except that it isn't.  Or at least the default configuration isn't.

> > Probably you should put that
> > config line commented in the default config so people who like it can
> > easily enable it.
> This configuration exists for correctness. If a given system has two time 
> sources and they disagree, which one is correct? There is no way to be sure. 
> If you have three sources, then you take whichever two agree.

In my opinion it is not good to enforce such policy on the users of the package.
I know very well how NTP works and what issues there may be, but indeed the NTP 
servers are local and I deem them
sufficiently reliable FOR MY PURPOSE.
It worked fine on bullseye, it failed on upgrade to bookworm.
And the config line that is responsible for the problem has a comment that does 
not indicate at all that you want to
remove it when you have fewer than 3 servers.  Maybe change that, I would have 
noticed it when I reviewed the config diffs.

I originally commented that it works ok on another machine and believed it may 
be due to the VMware/Physical
difference, but that wasn't the cause: that other machine was on another 
network and happend to have 3 servers configured.
But I commented that line now (I do not want time sync to fail because one of 
the servers is unavailable!)

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