Please also check your ~/.config/iptux

There are some log files under ~/.config/iptux/log

Do you find any error infos?

Please attach these log files to this bugreport.

在 2023/6/14 14:29, Chris Frey 写道:
On Wed, Jun 14, 2023 at 10:39:12AM +0800, xiao sheng wen(肖盛文) wrote:
If you don't use xpra, Is this bug reproduce?
I'm trying to reproduce it even with xpra, and having trouble doing so.
Is there any thing else I should delete from my system, besides ~/.iptux/,
to have it start from scratch?  I encounted the bug basically the
first time I used it.

Anyway, in the meantime, I encountered a new segfault, admittedly through
odd behaviour.  I can reliably reproduce this:

        Buster is sender, Bullseye is receiver.
        Buster: select a file to send, then click Send
        Buster: select that same file in send list, right click on it,
                then click Remove Selected, then click Send again on the
                empty list
        Bullseye: select file in receive list, click Accept and Save
                (nothing happens, as expected)
        Bullseye: right click the file you didn't get, and click
                Remove Selected... this causes a segfault on the Bullseye
                system... Buster continues running fine
Has the dmesg output any error infos?

- Chris

肖盛文 xiao sheng wen 《铜豌豆 Linux》基于 Debian 的 Linux 中文 桌面 操作系统
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