Hello Team,

I opened an MR to resolve this -
https://salsa.debian.org/debian/dracut/-/merge_requests/23 .

As an upstream dracut maintainer, I'd like to add that:

1./ network-legacy is still likely the most tested and trusted dracut
networking backend. The entire dracut upstream testing is still on
network-legacy as other networking backends are not yet stable.

2./ network-manager requires dbus in initramfs, which is known to have
problems - https://github.com/dracutdevs/dracut/issues/2378

3./ Not all dracut kernel command line options are supported by all
dracut networking backends -

Benjamin, if you have a chance to test other Dracut networking backends
(e.g. systemd-networkd or perhaps even connman) on Debian and report back
that would be useful both for the Debian and for the Dracut upstream


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