[Scott Kitterman, 2023-07-20]
> I had to override dh_python3 to add --no-guessing-deps in the latest

FTR: you can override detection with debian/py3dist-overrides (see
dh_python3's manpage or /usr/share/doc/dh-python/README.PyDist for more

> dnspython upload because it was getting things wrong.  Here's what it
> generated:
> python3-httpcore | python3 (<< 3.8), python3-sniffio, python3:any
> The correct answer here is actually use python3:any.  Here's what I
> think is going on:
> From the pyproject.toml file:
> [tool.poetry.dependencies]
> python = "^3.8"
> httpx = {version=">=0.24.1", optional=true, python=">=3.8"}
> httpcore = {version=">=0.17.3", optional=true, python=">=3.8"}
> h2 = {version=">=4.1.0", optional=true, python=">=3.8"}
> idna = {version=">=2.1,<4.0", optional=true}
> cryptography = {version=">=2.6,<42.0", optional=true}
> trio = {version=">=0.14,<0.23", optional=true}
> sniffio = {version="^1.1", optional=true}
> wmi = {version="^1.5.1", optional=true}
> aioquic = {version=">=0.9.20", optional=true}
> ...
> [tool.poetry.extras]
> doh = ['httpx', 'h2']
> idna = ['idna']
> dnssec = ['cryptography']
> trio = ['trio']
> wmi = ['wmi']
> doq = ['aioquic']
> There are two issues:
> 1.  httpcore and sniffio shouldn't be listed at all.  They are optional.
> I suspect that either poetry or dh-python is looking at the extras
> section and since those packages aren't listed for one of the extras, it
> assumes the package is required, despite the optional flag.  They
> probably should be listed somewhere (upstream bug), but I think if it
> says optional, it shouldn't be added to Depends.

dh_python3 doesn't look at source files. It generates dependencies by
parsing installed requires.txt file so IMHO it's an upstream / poetry bug

> 2.  Generating an optional depends on python3 << 3.8 isn't helpful.  It
> looks to me like {version=">=0.17.3", optional=true, python=">=3.8"} is
> being mis-interpreted.  I believe the intent here is to say that the
> dependency is optional when python3 > 3.8, not you need it if python3 >

can you show me how poetry / pyproject / whatever parsed this file
interpreted it? I.e. what's in installed requires.txt

(I suspect it's a hard dependency there)

> 3.8.  There's a larger question of why the interpreter version is there
> at all, given that's now the minimum python3 version supported, but
> that's an upstream issue, we ought to get it right.

I agree

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