Severity: wishlist


I'm requesting a new list as per

Purpose and intended audience:

We're in a need of a list to co-ordinate activities for the Debian South Africa 
Local Group.
We have several members already and co-ordinating over individual emails have 
become a pain.

Name: debian-za

Rationale: To have a list where we can co-ordinate local events, point new 
potential developers
in the right direction, and to provide basic training or support.

Short description: discussion list for the Debian South Africa Local Group

Long Description:
 This list is used by the South African Local Group to:
  - Discuss local events, like Debian Day, Bug squashing parties,
    sprints, braais and mini-debconfs
  - Help local contributors to get set up to be a contributor
    (sign up to salsa, wiki, set up reportbug, etc)
  - Provide some basic support or training to new users

Category: users

Subscription policy: open

Web archive: yes



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