Hi Simon (2023.10.14_10:54:21_+0000)
> > Another way to achieve this in packages like python-fabio and pyfai
> > would be to bypass pyproject and meson-python to run Meson directly,
> > either manually per-package via "export PYBUILD_SYSTEM=meson", or maybe
> > automatically in pybuild when build-backend = 'mesonpy' is found (but
> > perhaps that would be too much magic).
> Also an option. Means duplicating less of debhelper in dh-python.
> Yeah, having the pyproject backend do non-pyproject builds would be a
> bit unexpected, I agree. Not sure I'd want to go there.

Thinking about that more, does mesonpy ever do anything else beyond
building with meson?

Just scoring the meson pybuild backend above the pyproject backend
should be sufficient, then. That's how things stand right now.


Stefano Rivera
  +1 415 683 3272

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