Control: tags -1 moreinfo

Hi Daniel,

thanks for working on the package, appreciating the progress!

I've enabled CI for the package on salsa, in case you're wondering about

Let me continue on the review, as said, the last one was only a short

- lintian 
    W: libapache2-mod-authn-otp source: timewarp-standards-version (2022-05-05 
< 2022-12-17)
    (You need to touch the date on d/changelog… hint: dch -r "" )
    I: libapache2-mod-authn-otp: hardening-no-bindnow [usr/bin/genotpurl]
    I: libapache2-mod-authn-otp: hardening-no-bindnow [usr/bin/otptool]
    This could be false positives, please review whether this is true or a
    false positive, e.g some compiler flags are not passed appropiatly.
    (There's a wiki page on wiki.d.o about hardening:

    Update: CI revealed that this are indeed missing compiler flags.
    I also see that in CFLAGS are replaced, not ammended.

- d/copyright is incomplete / inaccurate.
  d/copyright needs to reflect what the code says, and must be "verbatim".
  For example, You write "2009-", the "-" is incorrectly, a correct span
  needs to have a target. In the case of this source (but I did only
  grep on it), it seems that it should be 2009 only.
  - Please make sure every license is covered. For example, base32.c has a
  different license and copyright holder.

- upstream tarball differs in hash.
  probably a pristine-tar issue, if you re-generated the tarball from
  there. Please use the tarball retrived from upstream:

sha256 sums:

- (not required to be fixed for this upload)
The package does not cross-compile. It would be nice if that could be

- There is a warning emitted by the compiler that indicates that there
  might be a buffer overflow. Please investigate and patch if required.
  (I did not investigate the context of the usage of snprintf e.g in
  motp.c, but this might well have security impact.)


On Fri, Nov 17, 2023 at 07:03:30PM +0000, Daniel Fancsali wrote:
> Control: tag - moreinfo
> Thanks for the review Tobias.
> Well, that happens if you put something on the back-burner for some time. ;)
> I do apologise...
> All should be fixed now.
> Cheers,
> Daniel

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