On Tue, Mar 19, 2024 at 01:31:10PM +0200, Faidon Liambotis wrote:
Control: retitle -1 test_allenvs_print_extras tests are flaky

On Fri, Nov 03, 2023 at 08:57:57PM +0800, Bo YU wrote:

I recently uploaded tox/4.14.1-1. tox-current-env autopkgtests fail on
s390x[1] with a similar error, which in turn is currently preventing tox
from migrating into testing[2]

Thanks your detailed analysis for it. I have uploaded -3 to unstable to
hope to unblock tox migrating. But these are some unexpected maybe.

1: https://ci.debian.net/packages/t/tox-current-env/testing/s390x/44050718/
2: https://qa.debian.org/excuses.php?package=tox

This bug was originally for test_allenvs_print_extras_to_file(); for
this I would imagine think the fix is something like:
 - assert prep_tox_output(result.stdout) == expected
 + assert sorted(prep_tox_output(result.stdout)) == sorted(expected)

I have cherry-picked your comment here:

It seems it works but I was missing another code snipshot which need be
`sorted` also:
@pytest.mark.parametrize("option", ("--print-deps-to", "--print-deps-to-file"))
def test_allenvs_print_deps_to_file(tmp_path, option):
    depspath = tmp_path / "deps"
    result = tox(option, str(depspath))
    assert sorted(depspath.read_text().splitlines()) == sorted(
        ["tox", "six", "py"] * len(envs_from_tox_ini())
    expected = ""
    for env in envs_from_tox_ini()[:-1]:
        expected += f"{env}: OK\n"
    expected += tox_footer(spaces=0) + "\n"
    assert prep_tox_output(result.stdout) == expected

This will lead a autopkgtest on s390x[0] again from its tracker page[1] to
get the link(UTC+8 13:06 2024/03/22).

But another retry on s390x it passed on s390x[2].

[0]: https://ci.debian.net/packages/t/tox-current-env/testing/s390x/44235641/
[1]: https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/tox-current-env
[2]: https://ci.debian.net/packages/t/tox-current-env/

So if many retries on debci page and it passes all autopkgtest, does it
still block your migration?

The s390x autopkgtest above fails on test_allenvs_print_extras(), which
is very similar. However, that one seems to have a sorted() already:
45s     def test_allenvs_print_extras(print_extras_stdout_arg):
45s         result = tox(print_extras_stdout_arg)
45s         expected = []
45s         for env in envs_from_tox_ini():
45s             expected.extend(("dev", "full", f"{env}: OK"))
45s         expected.pop()  # The last "py310: OK" is not there
45s         expected.append(tox_footer(spaces=0))
45s         expected = ("\n".join(expected)).splitlines()
45s >       assert sorted(prep_tox_output(result.stdout).splitlines()) == 
For safe to unblock anything, I skip this:

Do you think I will need to upload it to unstable again with `sorted`
for `test_allenvs_print_deps_to_file` as I analyzed above?

  Bo YU

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