Package: python3-nbconvert,python3-lxml
Version: 6.5.3-4,5.2.0-1
Control: affects -1 src:pandas
Control: affects -1 python3-nbsphinx
Control: block 1068104 by -1

The pandas documentation fails to build in current unstable with:

Running Sphinx v7.2.6
nbconvert not installed. Skipping notebooks.
Extension error:
Could not import extension nbsphinx (exception: lxml.html.clean module is now a separate project lxml_html_clean.
Install lxml[html_clean] or lxml_html_clean directly.)

Full log:

This probably makes nbconvert and nbsphinx fail to import at all, and started when lxml was upgraded to 5.2, but I haven't actually tested either of those:

The obvious fix would be to package lxml_html_clean.

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