Hello Samuel

I am good and I hope you too.

On 4/29/24 22:24, Samuel Henrique wrote:
> So maybe it even makes sense to get the latest releases for the transition.

I agree. I normaly do both nghttp3 and ngtcp2 the same time, therefore I
didn't want to block the t64 transition. Since ngtcp2 was a reverse
dependency of affected packages. I will try to upload the latest version
this weekend to experimental.

> Would you be interested in any kind of help for this?

Thanks, I will let you know this weekend. Probably in testing the
rebuild of Wireshark with the new version of nghttp3.

> If you would like, we could also put the package under the curl team. We are
> not a "real team" in the sense that we don't gate contributions, that's just 
> to
> make it more easy and clear that people should feel free to do team-uploads.

Yes, that would be good. Given that I can put ngtcp2 also under the curl


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