Hallo, Robbert!

On Tue, 7 Nov 2006 13:00:14 +0100 (CET)
Robbert Kouprie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Please try adding "AuthBasicAuthoritative Off" to your configuration.
> My complete config is:
> <Directory /var/www/protected>
>    AuthType Basic
>    AuthName "Please login"
>    AuthPAM_Enabled on
>    AuthPAM_FallThrough off
>    AuthBasicAuthoritative off
>    require valid-user
> </Directory>

Does not work for me. I get:

[Wed Nov 08 12:34:20 2006] [error] [client] No Authn provider 
[Wed Nov 08 12:34:20 2006] [crit] [client] configuration error:  
couldn't check access.  No groups file?: /

As I understand the documentation this is the expected behaviour, as 
libapache2-auth-pam does not include an Apache2.2-style authn provider.

I only wonder how you still have it working... :-)

Mit schönem Gruß
 - Thomas

"Mit der Rückkehr völliger Geistesabwesenheit ist wohl die absolute
Genesung garantiert."
 - Lawrence Durrell, Nunquam
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